Saturday, March 30, 2013

Library Living and Immunology Tempers

Immunology Tempers:

Our class schedule was packed this week; they decided to cram a full week into 4 days to give us Friday off for the holiday. Nobody is actually taking the day 'off'. We're just independently studying.

We also had several small group study sessions. During one, my group was confused about some concepts and we asked the facilitator for clarification. He stood at the opposite end of the table and went off on a tangent, often stopping mid-sentence for several long moments. The group was silent, waiting for him to make his point, hoping that anything he said would be useful to our discussion. After a pause that went on, and on, and on, his eyes flared and he burst out in irritation: "WHAT!? you want me to give you the answers?!" I thought he was going to turn and twist someone's head off in rage.  He didn't even talk about the issue at hand. We were discussing an ascites problem and he was going on about hormones and birth control.  It was bizarre.

We averted our eyes and lowered our heads to our assignment, waiting until he walked away before whispering about how weird it was.  We never did come up with the right answer.

Library Living:

When I first moved to Seattle, it took 6 months for me to get around to buying furniture. I had been sleeping on an air mattress and my belongings were still in boxes though I was doing this underneath the window of an amazing view. I lived next door to Fisher Plaza (where the helicopter lands in the opening credits of Grey's Anatomy). The Space Needle and Puget Sound were RIGHT THERE. Amazing.

I had spent the previous years living a nomadic life, working seasonally in different national parks. I learned to travel lightly. 

Anyhow, my mom decided to come out to spend Christmas with me so I caved and went out to buy stuff to put my stuff on.

Over the years, I slowly began to appreciate the joy of nesting. Then, I had to move cross country (again) at a moment's notice. Circumstances required that I essentially live out of a suitcase for a couple of years. I did eventually settle into a postage stamp that was labeled a studio (seriously: 220sq ft) but I knew that I would be relocating within months for school, ergo, no nesting.

Now, I'm in a lovely studio (it's 533 sq feet- palatial!) and I  know that I'll be here for a minimum of 4 years, maybe even 8 (depending on residency placement). I've been nesting galore. I've also become addicted to websites like Apartment Therapy and Houzz- always looking for new ideas to improve my home.

Today, Apartment Therapy had a post about getting rid of books. Laugh. I've written before about my feelings on the subject. I do believe that the little critters spore when we're not looking (and eat our socks).  When I moved out here last summer, I came with, maybe, 300 volumes and the collection has not grown at the rate it had in the past, I've been busy with other things...

Nonetheless,  it has grown beyond the capacity of the built-in bookshelves. 

 On the shelves, I've kept (mostly) fiction to the left of the mantel, non fiction to the right.

Some of the mini-collections that have broken off are practical.
On this table are those books that I most often lend out.

Within reach while I'm at my desk, I've piled my school books on the radiator. Don't worry, I've turned the radiator off. My apartment is small, landlords are generous with the heat, so the radiator in the bathroom is sufficient to heat the place.

On my nightstand are the books currently on my list to read- well, except for the Viet Nam tour guide. I flip thru that when I want to escape. I'll pretend I'm back skinny-dipping in a secluded cove in Halong bay with the phosphorescent plankton. "sigh".

The rest of the groupings, I've arranged to amuse myself- like when I hung one of my Rorschach inkblots upside down. No one else ever notices but it makes me laugh.

 On my desk, I've gathered my 'rebel books'. Starting off with the Widow Clicquot- a woman who saved the champagne industry (yay- love champagne) back when women couldn't do much of anything. When I get my biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine back, it goes here. I also have a history of 'bad girls', Lisa Randall's (the awesome physicist) warped passages,  A history of castrated singers, the philosophy of John S. Mill (total feminist) and Martin Page's "How I became Stupid" to remind myself not to take life so seriously.  Oh and a new Bollywood movie- I'll watch it in stages at my desk over the next few weeks.

The rest of the 'vignettes' are basically book pairings that make me chuckle.
A history of the Amish: A history of the Tramp in America
Freiden's "Feminine Mystique": Michel Foucault 

Hitchen's Mother Teresa espose: A history of Courtesans
An American Indian History of Wounded Knee: a book of Kashmiri sayings

Am I outing myself as a complete nerd?

Well, I started this post to show the ways that I've accommodated my library growth then veered onto a tangent so I guess poking fun at my facilitator just might break some of my windows (stones, glass houses blah blah.) 

Oh: here's my bathroom addition: instead of studying last night, I made pompoms!




Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bathroom Dreaming....

So I've been tackling one 'nesting project' a week.  School's much much better btw.. I adore physiology; everything (well, mostly) is really interesting. We've just started immunology too. Booyaah!

Anyway, back to my weekly projects: this past month, I've been focusing on the bathroom. I've always dreamed (hence the post title) of a spa tub with a tropical view. I know, I know.. Winter rental in Chicago? A room that I can't paint or make other major changes? I might as well shoot for a moon spa with a great view of the earth.  But I just finished this morning's goal of adding stones along the tub and am thrilled with the result.

The bathroom isn't finished. I found an old mirror at a thrift store and plan on gluing broken bits of granite tile and leftover stones and 'frosting' the remainder with some blue spray paint to imitate a waterfall. I'll place it behind the planter.  I hope that I can keep enough of the reflective properties to increase natural light in that corner but disguise them so I don't have to stare at myself naked in the shower.  I'm allowing myself a couple of weeks to finish that project.  But here's the bathroom as is for now.

I brought the conical hat and the print back from Viet Nam. 

Orchids were $6.99 at Trader Joes. I spent $15.00 for the black stones and found the wood border (I think it is scrap from the apartment building cabinetry) in the basement. I glued a couple of slivers of sponge to the bottom to give it traction. That and the weight of the stones keep it firmly in place.

The planter and plants were $21.00 from Kmart. I used blue electrical tape on the pot the Dracaena came in.  Ceramic pots are expensive!

I'll use tiles like these for the 'waterfall' thingamajig. They're only 1.50 each at Home Depot! The vases were made by a friend in upstate NY and the fish are actually ceramic knobs from the Mackenzie-Childs barn sale (years ago).

This was a baby spider plant from my Gram's house and she made the hummingbird out of a pine cone. 

Well, there you have it. Now try to imagine it with a fabulous (laugh) waterfall-mirror thing behind the planter. 


Updated Photographs

Here's are the links to the pictorial evolution this past year of my bedroom & living room:

north living room & sunroom
south living room
west living room
east living room
east bedroom
west bedroom